Chris also enjoys writing and chess. When he isn’t immersed in improve-the-world technology, Chris continues innovation in education scheduling, spending time with his family, snow skiing, and picking up litter on an optimized walking route.
Chris Cooper
Managing Director & Director of Innovation
Chris Cooper is the founder and visionary leader of NeoMatrix, overseeing the development of this revolutionary tracking technology.
Founded in 1999, NeoMatrix developed hardware used to track government assets with GPS, authenticating drivers to log operator use and prevent theft. This work led to further government engagement including access to road network data not otherwise available to the public at the time. NeoMatrix’s map technology improved map error detection, paving the way for future innovation such as route compression that significantly improves on Google Polyline, including three draft patents.
Chris’ career then took a detour working with his brother Dr. Tim Cooper, in SmartsGroup (sold to NASDAQ in 2010), and co-founding Edval Education, the global leader in timetabling software and education consulting, which they sold in 2019 to the London-based company TES.
While expanding Edval into international markets as the company’s director of innovation and speaker, Chris authored its thought-leadership library on smarter timetabling, which influenced UK government policy. This led to the development of next-generation algorithms, which impact school timetables around the globe to this very day. On the basis of that work, Edval won significant DfE EdTech grant competitions aimed at improving flexible work for teachers.
Long before his successes with Edval and NeoMatrix, Chris had already completed an accomplished career as an Australian Special Forces Commando (+commendations), after which he ran an investigation company, where he authored “Behind the Private Eye”, a government-accredited training textbook on surveillance, which is now a prescribed course text.
He also gained solid experience using non-GPS tracking systems in conducting surveillance (radio, GSM), which helped him identify gaps in positioning technology which he is now addressing.
Co Founder Tatyana Khitrova joined a little later, but before our research work began in earnest. She also heads up NeoMatrix development and the AI team.