Solving Congestion
Dynamic Road Pricing to the Rescue
City planners globally agree some form of road pricing is needed to help speed up traffic, and save drivers billions of dollars in wasted time and fuel.
Global governments and the world's media agree that congestion charging is 'the' solution to congestion. By applying a user-pays model, we can price congestion. Then everyone has the ability to make a fast journey for an 'express pass' fee, or else save by travelling off-peak. Overall, drivers will save as traffic congestion is a trillion-dollar problem, paid for in driver's time. Congestion fees will be significantly less than what people currently value their time.
The Three Barriers to Dynamic Road Pricing
There are three main barriers to the large-scale adoption of Dynamic Road Pricing:
Technical barrier: we need to find a better way to mass monitor vehicles
Informational barrier: we need to find a new way to effectively communicate route history to a billing authority
Privacy barrier: we need to find a way that makes society comfortable to adopt a new tracking scheme
NeoMatrix Shows the Way
GPS, GSM and Wi-Fi are not very suitable to monitor vehicles, and congestion zones are far from ideal. The UK Government report concludes that the London congestion zone as currently implemented is not fit for purpose.
Neomatrix has developed novel solutions to address all three main challenges.
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